Nollywood veteran actor and filmmaker, Kunle Afolayan, celebrated his son, Darimisire Afolayan, as he turns a new age on Sunday while sharing photos of him praying for the young man on Instagram.

He wrote: Happy birthday Son “Darimisire”
Eledumare will lead your path 🙏🏾

See post below;

Insidenaija reported that Kunle Afolayan had revealed that the film’s voyage had already begun and that the crew members of his Anikulapo series, which is scheduled to be produced in Ghana, were included in the images posted on social media.

After seeing the images, online users speculated that the presence of Antar Laniyan, Jide Awobona Tayo Faniran, and Saga would indicate that the film will be intriguing. Insidenaija also discovered that Anikulapo Season 2 will touch on themes of slavery and war.

At a meeting between Kunle Afolayan and representatives of Ghana’s National Film Authority, chaired by CEO Juliet Asante, at the Cannes Film Festival in May, the decision was made to film in Ghana. Insidenaija was informed by sources close to the filmmaker that Kunle had contemplated using slave posts in Togo or Nigeria prior to finalising the deal with Ghana.

Juliet Asante praised Kunle and his colleagues “for taking the time to explore some beautiful places in Ghana” in an Instagram post on Tuesday.The National Film Authority of Asante is optimistic that Anikulapo would advance her nation’s “Shoot in Ghana” initiative and fortify its artistic ties to Nigeria.

He added, “It was a great learning experience all round and we had a lot of fun.”